Saturday, September 13, 2008

us presidential election 2004

(Originally published 18 November 2004)

the results of the us presidential election 2004 have proven something that i’ve suspected for a very long time – that half of americans, give or take 8.5 million, are complete morons. that a president who, has fucked up many times over, led the us economy to ruins, continuously misinformed and deceived his people, led his country to war for the most dubious of reasons, created a world of fear through his unwavering alarmist stance and by projecting his own arrogance onto the american persona, alienated his country from the rest of the world, can be re-elected into office for a second consecutive term by popular vote is quite unfathomable. guess there are more inbred, gun-toting rednecks than i thought. i wonder if a large part of bush’s presidential campaign was dedicated to teaching these bird-brained fuckers how to use ‘them computer voting thangs’. "see them yellow buttons? they’re pretty, aren’t they? see them numbers on the buttons?" "yep.. one.. two.. th.. th.. three.. god darn it, so many numbers.."

so what is it about bush that these americans love so much? maybe it’s their perception of him as a man of action. truth be told, so is kerry by all accounts - this is a man who would spend months and months in a foreign land meticulously investigating issues that are of concern to him and the american people – but his type of action is the boring kind. bush personifies the man of action that violence-hungry americans adore, the kind you find in blockbusters: the action hero who saves the world by killing everyone else in it, especially arabs. move aside stallone, willis and schwarzenegger – here comes the biggest and baddest all-american hero.

i'd like to think that if the president of the usa were to be elected by the rest of the world, bush would lose by a landslide. but i’ve come to realise this need not necessarily be the case. after all, there’s a whole lot of stupid people out there. in fact, it’s quite scary. it also depends largely on who is allowed to vote. take singapore for example. if the entire singapore population were to decide the outcome of the us elections, i wonder if the results would be any different. not all singaporeans are aware of the goings-on outside of their sheltered little existences. the wider media that is accessible to the most number of singaporeans are selective in their presentation of information. their main message however is overwhelmingly clear: in the war against terror, bush is a saviour. this has resulted in opinions such as cab driver tan kia wong’s: i’m for bush. i think he did a good thing by having the war. otherwise, the terrorists will all climb over our heads. bush will be good for singapore and the security of the world (the straits times, november 4, pg. 8). a product of conditioning by a partial media or just plain stupid? either way, we are all fucked if such people are allowed a say in the process. and if the elections were to be decided by the governments of the various nations, we’d be even worse off. our government, with their penchant for ball-sucking - and a bushy scrotum is particularly relished in these parts – would most certainly vote for the incumbent.

all in all, the outcome of the 2004 elections has reaffirmed my belief that the world is full of idiots. the elections have not only polarised america, but the whole world. but the two camps that have emerged in opposition are not ones whose members are determined by their partisan alignment, political ideology or moral beliefs. where they stand is determined by their intelligence and i know exactly where i stand. at the right end of the intelligence scale next to jon bon jovi. rock on.

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